Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Many of us have a place, where they like to go. Place, which makes us feel good and removed from the reality, a kind new world in which we can jump for several minutes or hours.  I found one, like this at Calhoun College.

It is Calhoun library, very quiet, authentic and meaningful place. Every time when I come in, I feel knowledge that was gathering for centuries and get an understanding that many smart people were studying here. If you come in, go to the room with tables, take a seat at huge circle table and leave windows that look at Elm street behind, you would be able to contemplate all beautifulness of old wood furniture in dark brown colors. Brown is a solid and elegant color, it is soothing, not annoying, and giving the feeling of comfort and security. This color inspires me, once I seat at this table, I want to work and achieve.

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