Monday, July 18, 2016

Creative essay

Many-many years ago in a poor farmer's family was born indescribable beauty baby, male baby. Everybody was judging him for his beauty, and nobody loved him, except his mother. She was a young lady with strong beliefs in God, purity of thought and success. She named the child Alphonsus, which meant noble and ready in Latin. She believed this name would give him power and success in the future.

In addition to Alphonsus, she also had two sons; one was 14 years older and another 16 years older. Alphonsus was growing up in this family of three children. He was the youngest one; both brothers were harmful to him and were trying to make him upset. Always, when Alphonsus was trying to do some work, brothers would just punch him and say that they can do this job better, and it did not matter what they did. However, there was one field in which they were not able to do anything, architecture. They did not know how to do statues from clay and how to work with clay. While Alphonsus just loved to create something new from clay.

At the beginning of his passion, brothers were trying to make pastime with clay unpleasant to him, but they were not able to make something better than he was. Therefore, they got bored with it and just gave up on this idea. Alphonsus was spending all his time with the clay and trying to make unbelievably beautiful sculpture.

After many years of practicing his room was full of sculptures, that there was no space for him to sleep. His mother decided to sell some of them. She went to the marketplace to sell it for nothing. However, the first buyer gave so much for a small sculpture that she was able to live on it for a year. She came back from a marketplace, brought all family to the table and put that small sculpture in the middle. She told the price that was offered, and the room kept silent.

Brothers were looking at her, then at the sculpture and again at her. They were shocked. At that moment, Alphonsus was sitting on a chair and calmly was watching the sculpture.

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